I just spent way too long looking at old pictures. But it made me think...
Lately I have really been missing the people back in America. My church family, my old co-workers, and especially my college roommates have been on my heart and in my mind. As I think back on all of those nights where we stayed up late working thorough our differences, confessing sin, and encouraging each other to just... keep.... going..., I seem to forget about how hard it was and I tend to dwell on the sweetness of our time together. Oh! What I would do for just one night for all of us to be together again.
So I guess this post is just a realization for myself. A realization that I have something good here. These two sisters of mine are really cool. They are beautiful, talented, smart, loving, and generous. They are passionate, extremely hard working, and a little bit stubborn. We don't always see eye to eye, but at the end of the day, that's ok. I'm finally learning that disagreement does not mean that we dislike each other. Disagreement means that we should talk about it and come to an agreement- and in the end we will have learned and grown from the experience.
This post does not come as the result of a giant disagreement or huge debate. It is the result of lots of little conversations, loads of grace extended, and daily breath prayers, "Jesus, we don't know what to do right now. Please help us."
I am very thankful for these ladies and so privileged to call them friends. Bless the Lord, Oh my Soul!
Who are you thankful for today? Don't forget to look past the hardness and enjoy being with those around you. These moments won't last forever.