Here is why the heck I left America and moved to Nepal:
We have heard rumors that many, many girls are being taken from Nepal and sold into slavery, mostly sex-slavery.
So my friend and I moved to Nepal and teamed up with some Australians to see what the problem is, learn about Nepal from the people in Nepal (they know best!), and see if there is any way that we can help stop this atrocity. We are not going to "fix" Nepal, Westernize it, or change the culture. We just have a God who loves us a lot, and because of His love for us, we want to love other people. We also believe that His love makes things better.
In order to do this, I will do research through Thribuvan University in Kathmandu. I will spend a lot of time learning the language, culture, and hindrances to economic development within Nepal.
I have spent the past couple of years learning about community development, cross-cultural adaptation, and a little bit of phonetics to help me along the way, so this should be good... but I still have a lot to learn!