Saturday, October 20, 2012

Here we go...

After more than two weeks of partying like it was 1995, the internet came back on. In the meantime, I managed to learn how to read Nepali (yep. Hit me with your longest, weirdest, squiggliest Nepali word. Ten bucks says I can sound it out.) and look at every vacant apartment in Kathmandu (clearly that is a lie, but it feels about right).  

Much has been accomplished, but there will not be much happening on the blog within the next week or so because I am heading out for a village in the morning.

Cynthia and I are going to visit our friend, DC, and his family. DC has been texting us every day since JULY, begging us to come visit him (actually, he wants us to come teach at his elementary school, but we firmly declined). So we will squish ourselves onto a bus tomorrow morning and (Lord willing) arrive in Ghorka seven hours later.

What are we going to do out in the village? How long will we stay? Where will we stay?


Well, um, I'll let you know when we get back.

Ok, ok, actually... I do know a few things.

I know that DC will pick us up at the bus park. I know that we will stay somewhere close to him (rumors of a bamboo cottage have been circulating). I know that tomorrow is the first day of the biggest festival of the entire year and travel is going to be a nightmare. I know that DC had some "traditional Nepali outfits" made for us and that they probably have a zillion hot pink tassels all over them and are going to be seven Asian sizes too small. I know that I am probably going to get the runs from drinking bad water on accident. I know that there are going to be long.... awkward.... long.... awkward.... long....  silences where we have nothing to talk about because he has used up all of his English words and we have exhausted all of our Nepali words. Aaand I know that for some reason God wants us to go on this journey.

So we are going.

And I promise to show you pictures of our outfits.

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