Sunday, March 2, 2014

8 Things I learned in February.

Today I'm doing that thing where I write about the things I learned this month and then I share my learnings with others. If you wanna share yours too, click here!

First things first.

1. I learned that Asmita moved back into the neighborhood!

Joy! It is so much fun to have her around again.

2. Tourist buses.

I don't know why, but I have never been on a tourist bus before! In Nepal, we mostly travel by local bus. Remember the grandma in my lap and the goats in the aisle kind of bus?

Earlier this moth C and I went to southern Nepal for a thing and we took our first tourist bus. And. And I had a whole seat all to myself. And there were no Nepali love songs blasting at seven trillion decibels. And we didn't break down. Or fall off a cliff.

It was magical.

3. Don't eat the floaty eggs.

If you put a whole egg in a bowl of water and it floats, you are not supposed to eat it. True story.

4. Bigger is better. 

I have been wanting a Nepali style nose pin for like ever, and I finally found one that I like. The girl at the shop stuck her fingers up my nostrils and blew on my nose to get that thing in there, but the important lesson I learned this month? Bigger is better.

6. Cook the (sinky) eggs on low heat. 

Y'all, it makes all the difference.

7. I learned that I shouldn't say all of the words I have learned.

Sometimes men see that I am a foreigner and say inappropriate things to me. Sometimes, my language tutors teach me words that I shouldn't say so that I know what they mean if those words ever come up. And sometimes, men say inappropriate things to me on the street and I accidentally say not nice things back to them in Nepali. And then everyone turns around and stares at me. And then I feel really really bad. Because I never would have said that in English and even though he may have deserved it, I didn't look very much like Jesus at that moment.

8. Grace is greater. 

I haven't fully learned this one, but I'm trying.

His grace is greater.

For the times when my tongue slips and for the times when I just can't find the words to pray. For the times when I make everyone late and for the times when I am the first one to show up. For those times when I think I will never be good enough and for the times when I think that my ideas are the most important. For all the times, His grace is sufficient to carry me.

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