Friday, November 9, 2012

Confessions of a packaholic.

If there is one thing in life that I am not, it is a hipster. 

I'm going to tell it like it is: my glasses are way out of style, my pants are about as baggy as they come, I have zero tattoos, and I have never ever posted a picture of my coffee on the internet.

I am totally not a hipster. 

But there is one thing that I am.

My name is Bethany and I am a packaholic.

Tomorrow is moving day. My suitcases have been packed for exactly four days now in anticipation for the big move. 

For me, it’s not the act of packing that makes me shriek with joy and whistle to myself as I sort things into different pieces of luggage. Let’s be honest; packing in and of itself is not really that cool. It’s not like I get bored and start packing things just for fun. That would be weird. 

The part of packing that makes it such an exuberant experience is that as soon as I finally pull that zipper down and give my bag a few good pats, an adventure is about to begin!  

Such is the case tonight. 

We have been staying in a guesthouse for fifty days. It has been pretty swag. Yet as nice as it has been, I am ready to make the plunge into bucket showers and candlelit electricity. 

You see, packaholism always affects relationships. The constant motion, the distance between myself and loved ones, and the sheer exhaustion of it all has left me somewhat isolated. Skype and e-mails only do so much. My packing levels are high, but my relation levels are low. 

Yet, ironically, I am excited to be packing once more. I am excited because for the first time in a log time, I get to pack for an adventure that I get to keep living. 

 I am excited to live in the same place for more than a few months at a time. I am excited to hang out with my nepali housemates. I am excited to get to know my landlord. I am excited to stay at the little shop across the street for way too long just because I like the little lady that works there. I am excited to have real-life relationships again.

Because I want more than instagrams of coffee, big glasses, and tattoos with like, three meanings. 

I want to love God and love people.

That's why I packed four days ago. That is I why I am a packaholic. 

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