Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The secret's out.

I'm in love.

I've got it bad, you guys. Real bad. Like, I obsess over these little hooligans. Ask my roommates. These kids are all I want to talk about.

But just looook at them! How could I not be lost in love?

I melt when I am walking home and Asmita runs towards me with arms wide open yelling "Deeeeeeepaaaaaa!"

I love them and they love me. It's a sealed deal.

But today was different. 

Today I went outside to do language practice and these little lovelies didn't even care! Not even a hello slipped from their mouths. Why?

Because they were "playing house."
Arranging the home decor...

I walked over with my camera and instead of the joyful sound of my name (Deepa) being shouted from across the street, I was met with a sigh and then a "Deepuuuh."

Sweeping the "house"...

It was such a proud big-sister moment for me. 

I'm not a novelty anymore. I'm not the foreigner who lives on the street. I'm Deepa, the big sister who wants to take pictures while all they want to do is play.

I'm telling you guys, it's true love. 
Mowing the lawn...?

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