Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Photos

Hey guys, 

So... I have been really behind on e-mails lately (I blame my language homework) but I just spent some time and read through and replied to the first half of my in-box. You guys! I can not say thank you enough for your support. You make the hard days bearable. 

Also, this month we are not going anywhere or doing anything, so it is like, super intense language learning month. You'll see what I mean...

Meaghan, Cynthia, and I are going trekking next month. We couldn't possibly live in Nepal for a year and not visit the Himalayas, so we will celebrate our one year anniversary of moving to Nepal by taking a trek into the BIG mountains- you know, those big snowy white ones on the calendars and screen savers? Yah, we are going to climb some of those. 

What does this have to do with a rock that is painted like an elephant? Well.... this elephant rock lies near the top of a really big hill. A big hill that Cynthia and I walked up. Because in a few weeks we are going to walk up the HIMALAYAS. So if we don't spend our weekend mornings climbing big hills now, we might die next month (that's hyperbole, Mom, don't freak out).

This is how I see the world after I've been studying Nepali for a few hours. 
It hurts, guys. I don't suggest it. 

The grass is always greener on the other side. 
Unless you live in Nepal. Because we don't have any grass. We have rice. 
Beautiful green rice that loves being ricey.
The rice is always greener on the other side. 

Top secret club sign making. I would tell you, but then I'd have to, you know...
Also, I have no idea why in the world my computer is forcing these words to be blue and it won't let me do anything about it.

Those are not llamas. They are alpacas. 
Ignore the message from "Cheeta Bear."
If you want to text me, I have a number. 
It's free.
Hit me up.
Girls only.  

Yesterday was SUNNY!
Gloriously sunny and not monsooney!
I didn't get rained on all day! 

Also, God gave us this thing called the Sabbath. 
I decided to be obedient this week and you know, rest.
Do you see that flower on the bottom right? I made a little art thingy out of the toilet paper rolls that I have been hoarding (I had to proove to my roommates that I am not a real hoarder.  I am a purposeful hoarder. There is a big difference.).

Sun + toilet paper art thingy = picture of my wall. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Ummmm...yes, please! I would like your number so I can text you more alpaca pictures! Love you tons!

  2. Oh, and have fun going to the Himalayas!? I am anticipating fabulous pictures and will be praying for protection for the three of you!
