Sunday, December 2, 2012


Last week Cynthia and I traveled with our friend to a district called Nuwakot.

We had heard rumors (and read newspaper articles) that this village is a highly trafficked area, so we went to see what it is like. Our goal was to assess the situation and see if it is worth going back to to pursue long term work.

It was sobering.

As we walked through town, I was kind-of in denial. I thought that maybe it was my imagination playing tricks on me. Like, maybe since I have heard all of the rumors and stuff, I was just imagining it all. Maybe it wasn't really as bad as it looked.

But it was.

There were men for miles.

There were women too, it wasn't a ghost town or anything, but they were few and far between. However, most were either married or still in school.

It was a completely different experience than where we have been before, where the villages are made up of mostly women. In those villages, the men have left the country to find work so that they can send money back to their families.

We spent one day walking out to a village to teach English in the village's school. We learned a lot about who we are in the culture, what we have to offer, and what some people are already doing to help their own communities.

I told you this 'kid' was cute!
We still have a TON to learn- we don't even speak Nepali or understand the culture yet. So for now we are learning everything we can and trying to make good friends... I will keep you guys updated... but until then, I will lighten the mood by sharing a photo of a really, really, really cute kid. Enjoy!

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