Number 1. As I am walking down the street each day I think to myself, "Self, that thing that you are looking at is really cool. You should take a picture of it."
Number 2. I hate taking out my camera in public. Nothing shouts "FOREIGNER!" to my neighborhood like whipping out a Cannon and snapping a photo of their funny __________. I might as well dress like Zorro and speak Portuguese.
So, consider this my sincere apology for not posting very many photos. I rarely take any pictures in public. Buuuuuuut.... today we went to the tourist part of town.
We needed to get some shawls, and the best deals are downtown. So off we went. And guess who came with? My Cannon.
The tourist area is full of everyone from left-over hippies, ambitious Everest seekers, and skinny Europeans who come here for vacation. Since I don't live near this area, I knew that I would automatically be labeled "tourist" upon first glance. So my camera got to come out to play.
And I took a picture of... drum roll, please...
a sock.
I know. I know.
You are spending your precious time reading this blog, and all I show you is a sock!? What the hecky-darn? I'm sorry.
But you have to admit that that is a funny sock.
I promise to take some pictures of real life cool stuff this week.
But I have some good news!
Remember why we went to the tourist area?
Well, let me just tell you something. I totally got the best deal ever on my shawl. There was this old man smoking a cigarette, sitting on the top of a stupa. Cynthia was on the other side looking at some shawls over there. So I walked up, looked delightfully at the rows of shawls hanging down from the stupa, and said (IN NEPALI!) "Honorable shop owner, you have a nice shop." I know, I am a suck up. But let me just tell you that I got a killer price on my shawl. When I showed Pratibha (my Nepali housemate), she was like, "What?! That's a good price! Where did you get it!?"
So yah, all of that to say that I will try to take more pictures this week, if I am not too busy studying language... because I am really really loving being able to communicate a tinsey bit in Nepali!
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